E mail Received Regarding AOER Juniors Supporting a Fellow Archer at the Recent Burton Constable Shoot
A great credit to the club and to the Juniors concerned well done
Dear Sophie and Ben,
Just wanted to say a big thank you to you both today for the support you gave to T. Jay. I am sure it was very difficult for him to do this competition today and was made very pleasant for him by two young adults just being nice! His Mum cannot sing your praises enough. Many thanks.
Dave and Carole,
What fantastic juniors you have at your club, you must be very proud of them and all you are achieving with the club.
Kind regards,
Hi Jon,
Sophie and Ben made a young man with difficulties enjoy his day, what more can you say! His Mum could not say enough about them both. An absolute credit to yourself and Sophie.
The young unfortunately always seem to get criticism because they are young. Some do not take the time to understand, as they prefer to Judge too quickly.
All of the AoER Juniors, I have found to be an absolute pleasure to be around and that is testament to their parents and also to the club as well I am sure.
Be good to see you soon,
Dave / Karen
Just a quick personal note.
Many thanks for your kind words regarding Sophie and Ben. It really is a breath of fresh air to receive compliments instead of criticism these days.
I am so proud that our Juniors could make such an impact.
Again many thanks and look forward to seeing you soon.
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